We characterize Ascoli spaces by showing that a Tychonoff space X is Ascoli iff the canonical map from the free locally convex space L(X) over X into C k C k (X) is an embedding of locally convex spaces. We prove that an uncountable direct sum of non-trivial locally convex spaces is not Ascoli. If a c0-barrelled space X is weakly Ascoli, then X is linearly isomorphic to a dense subspace of R Γ for some Γ. Consequently, a Fréchet space E is weakly Ascoli iff E = R N for some N ≤ ω. If X is a µ-space and a k-space (for example, metrizable), then C k (X) is weakly Ascoli iff X is discrete. We prove that the weak* dual space of a Banach space E is Ascoli iff E is finite-dimensional.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 46A03; Secondary 54A25, 54D50. Key words and phrases. the Ascoli property, free locally convex space, direct sum, inductive limit, compactly barrelled space .