1. Some multiple effects of male hormones are reviewed.
2. Trans‐androstenediol, dehydro‐androsterone, androstenedione, and testosterone will cause development of the uterus of the immature rabbit similar to that caused by œstrone. The most active of these, trans‐androstenediol, is about 1/2000 as active as œstrone by this test.
3. Trans‐androstenediol causes cornification of the vaginal epithelium of the ovariectomised rat; testosterone acetate and propionate have an effect similar to that of the free hormone, in causing mucification.
4. In an orthodox test for œstrogenic activity on a group of 20 ovariectomised mice, trans‐androstenediol was found to be about 1/10,000 as active as œstrone.
5. Trans‐androstenediol, testosterone, testosterone propionate, and androstanediol will not only prevent the development but also cause the disappearance of the characteristic X‐zone in the adrenal cortex of castrated mice, according to the time after castration at which the injections are made.
6. Trans‐androstenediol, testosterone, trans‐dehydroandrosterone, and androstenedione, but not androstanediol in the dosage used, will feminise the plumage of the Sebright capon.
We are much indebted to Dr K. Miescher and Messrs Ciba for their continued assistance in generously supplying the crystalline compounds used in the work described above.