To enable the investigation of low-affinity biomolecular complexes with confocal single-molecule spectroscopy, we have developed amicrofluidic device that allows aconcentrated sample to be diluted by up to five orders of magnitude within milliseconds,atthe physical limit dictated by diffusion. We demonstrate the capabilities of the device by studying the dissociation kinetics and structural properties of low-affinity protein complexes using single-molecule two-color and threecolor Fçrster resonance energy transfer (FRET). We show that the versatility of the device makes it suitable for studying complexes with dissociation constants from lownanomolar up to 10 mm,t hus covering aw ide range of biomolecular interactions.T he design and precise fabrication of the devices ensure simple yet reliable operation and high reproducibility of the results.
Single-moleculespectroscopyhasdevelopedintoapowerfulapproach for investigating biomolecular structure,d ynamics, and interactions,e specially in combination with Fçrster resonance energy transfer (FRET). [1] However,amajor challenge for studying the mechanisms of biomolecular interactions by single-molecule spectroscopy,s uch as FRET between two binding partners,isthat their affinities are often so low that they rapidly dissociate at the about 10 to 100 pm sample concentrations required for single-molecule detection. As ar esult, single-molecule studies with two fluorescently labeled interaction partners are often not possible at equilibrium. This limitation can be circumvented by forming the complex at high concentrations,r apidly diluting the sample to single-molecule concentrations,and monitoring its properties before dissociation. [2] However,there are currently no methods available that combine sufficiently large dilutions and short dead times to enable observation of such complexes before they dissociate.H erein, we demonstrate as olution to this problem using am icrofluidic device that enables the sample to be diluted more than 10 000-fold within milliseconds and allows the properties of the complex and its dissociation kinetics to be monitored by confocal singlemolecule spectroscopy.As uitable rapid dilution microfluidic device must meet several requirements.F irst, the dilution needs to be sufficiently rapid that even low-affinity complexes with high dissociation rates can be studied. Them inimum time for dilution in laminar flow is fundamentally limited by translational diffusion. Given the diffraction-limited size of the confocal observation volume and the diffusion coefficient of typical biomolecular samples,t he minimum dead time for a10000-to 100 000-fold dilution, for example,isinthe range of af ew milliseconds ( Figure S1 in the Supporting Information). Second, since not all applications require the same dilution factor,the device must provide dilutions that can be adjusted over aw ide range (about 1000-to 100 000-fold). Third, because high sample concentrations are required to form stable biomolecular complexes initially,t he device should have alow sample ...