Concrete is one of the most common building materials and its durability has been observed with increased attention. It can be said that concrete durability is closely connected with permeability and, generally speaking, the quality of its surface layer. Evaluating the quality of the surface layer of concrete is a rather difficult issue that can be addressed in different ways. The authors of this paper focus on three internationally used methods -TPT, GWT and ISAT. The paper sums up the results of the experiment whose goal was to investigate the influence of concrete composition on the outputs of the above-mentioned methods. For the purposes of the experiment, specimens were made using 9 mixtures, which differed only in the amount of cement and plasticiser, i.e., the water/cement ratio. The experiment was designed and evaluated using the statistical methodology DOE (Design of Experiment). Next, the paper discusses a new view of the statistical evaluation of the test results of the methods described above. Keywords: concrete, permeability, durability, design of experiment Beton je eden najbolj uporabljanih materialov v gradbeni{tvu in njegova zdr`ljivost se prou~uje z veliko pozornostjo. Lahko se re~e, da je zdr`ljivost betona tesno povezana s prepustnostjo, na splo{no s kvaliteto njegove povr{inske plasti. Ocena kvalitete povr{inske plasti betona je precej komplicirano vpra{anje, h kateremu se lahko pristopi na razli~ne na~ine. Avtorji tega~lanka se osredoto~ajo na tri mednarodno priznane metode -TPT, GWT in ISAT.^lanek povzema rezultate preizkusa, katerega cilj je bil prou~evati vpliv sestave betona na rezultate zgoraj omenjenih metod. Za namene preizkusa so bili vzorci izdelani iz 9 me{anic, ki so se razlikovale samo v koli~ini cementa in plastifikatorja, to je razmerja voda/cement. Preizkusi so bili postavljeni in ocenjeni s statisti~no metodologijo DOE (angl. Design of Experiment). Nadalje~lanek obravnava nov pogled na statisti~no oceno rezultatov preizkusa in zgoraj opisanih metod.