A few inbred mouse strains characterized thus far are highly susceptible to lung tumorigenesis; e.g., A/J and SWR/J mice develop 15-30 tumors/mouse after urethane treatment. 1 Among the remaining strains, about half are intermediate-susceptible (i.e., 1-4 tumors/mouse) and half are resistant (i.e., 0 -1 tumors/ mouse). 1 Lung tumorigenesis in the mouse is under polygenic control. The pulmonary adenoma susceptibility 1 (Pas1) locus represents the major determinant of inherited susceptibility to lung cancer, as confirmed in independent studies from different laboratories and using different chemical carcinogens. [2][3][4] We previously showed that all of the highly and intermediately susceptible strains carry the same haplotype in the Pas1 region, 5 with the same Pas1 susceptibility allele (Pas1 s ) probably deriving from an ancestral progenitor mouse. Thus, Pas1 s occurs frequently in inbred mouse strains. However, in a survey of mouse strains, 9/14 strains carrying the Pas1 s allele developed 3-to 10-fold fewer lung tumors per mouse compared to the highly susceptible strains. 1,5,6 Resistance to lung tumorigenesis is provided in some strains by resistance alleles carried at pulmonary adenoma resistance (Par) loci. Par loci have not been formally defined, though their designation pulmonary adenoma resistance implies this biologic activity. We suggest that Par loci comprise a null allele, with no effects on lung tumor susceptibility, and a resistance allele, which inhibits lung tumor multiplicity in a dominant or codominant way. Indeed, on a Pas1-susceptible genetic background, a single Par resistance allele may reduce carcinogen-induced lung tumor multiplicity up to 10-fold. 7,8 BALB/c is an example of an intermediate-susceptible mouse strain carrying Par loci that inhibit the high susceptibility conferred by the Pas1 s allele also carried by this strain. 9 Indeed, F 1 mice of the BALB/c strain crossed with either A/J or SWR/J mice show reduced lung tumor multiplicity to an intermediate level; genetic linkage studies mapped the Par2 and Par4 loci, whose BALB/c-derived cancer resistance alleles reduce lung tumor multiplicity. 9 -13 To determine whether intermediate susceptibility or complete resistance to lung tumorigenesis of strains carrying the Pas1 s allele results from resistance alleles at Par loci carried by these strains, we examined lung tumor multiplicity in F 1 crosses between intermediate or resistant strains and the highly susceptible strain A/J compared to the A/J parent and F 1 hybrids between A/J mice and strains not carrying Par loci, e.g., C57BL/6J. 4 In 7 strains, multiplicity of lung tumors induced by urethane was significantly decreased compared to A/J mice or (A/J ϫ C57BL/6J)F 1 mice.
Mouse treatment and phenotypeMale 129/SvJ, CBA/J, C57BL/6J, DBA/2J, ST/J, LP/J, C57L/J, SJL/J, PL/J and RF/J mice were purchased from the Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME); SPW inbred mice, derived from wild Mus spretus, were bred in the University of La Laguna Laboratory (Tenerife, Spai...