“…where: Rm, = the return realized on the JSE All Share Index bme, = the constant, which should represent E(Rm) over the period of the sample UGOLD,=unanticipated percentage changes in the (rand) gold price UDJ, = unanticipated returns on the Dow-Jones Industrial Index UINF, = unanticipated changes in inflation expectations, where changes in inflation expectations (INF,) are proxied by changes in the three month Banker's Acceptance rate (BA,) i.e. INF, = BA, -BA 1 .1 (see Correia &Wormald, 1987 andFama, 1976) UTSD, = unanticipated changes in the term structure of interest rates, where the term structure of interest rates (TS,) is represented by the difference in yields between 10 year government bonds (GILT,) and three month Treasury Bills (TBILL,) i.e. TS,= GILT, -TBILL, (see Chen et al, 1986).…”