Purpose: To examine the association between expression of mutant p53 (mtp53), full length MDM2 (MDM2), and MDM2 isoform C (MDM2-C) and survival in multiethnic breast cancer patients. Method: A total of 787 invasive breast tumors included in a clinically-annotated multiethnic population-based tissue microarray (TMA) were screened utilizing commercially available antibodies to p53 and MDM2, and a newly developed monoclonal antibody recognizing MDM2-C. Results: Mutant p53 (mtp53) was more common in younger (<50 yrs) breast cancer patients. Among the 787 cases included in the study, mtp53, MDM2, and MDM2-C expression was not significantly associated with risk of overall or breast cancer-specific mortality. However when associations within individual racial/ethnic groups (White, Japanese, and Native Hawaiian) were examined, expression of MDM2-C was found to be associated with lower risk of breast cancerspecific mortality exclusively for White patients (HR=0.32, 95% CI: 0.15-0.69) and mtp53 expression was associated with higher overall mortality in Japanese patients (HR=1.63, 95% CI: 1.02-2.59). Also, Japanese patients positive for the joint expression of MDM2-C and mtp53 had a greater than 2-fold risk of overall mortality (HR=2.15, 95% CI 1.04-4.48); and White patients with positive MDM2-C and wild-type p53 expression (HR=0.28, 95% CI 0.08-0.96) were at lower risk of mortality when compared to patients negative for MDM2-C and wild-type p53 expression in their respective racial/ethnic group.