CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION The following study was designed to exaxnine items from a set of K-I2 teacher evaluation instruments. The results of this study can be added to two decades of research by the School Improvement Model Center at Iowa State University. This center has focused on validating and improving these instruments as part of a total systems approach to teacher performance evaluation. 4 3. increase accountability by making a connection between the evaluation of teachers measured against how well smdents are learning in reading, language arts, and mathematics. Objectives of the Smdy The objectives of this smdy were to 1) factor analyze items from four (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12) smdent feedback instruments to determine if item variables from each of the instruments cluster around common subscale factors; 2) determine if a relationship exists between items from each of the instnmients and student achievement scores in three subject areas; reading, language arts, and mathematics; 3) identify additional teaching behaviors and practices associated with effective mathematics, reading, and language arts instruction and create new items; and 4) pilot test the new items for reliability and discrimination. Research Questions This study is directed by the following questions: la. Will the 20 items from the K-2 smdent feedback instrument factor into subscales as identified by Dietz (1996) and Danielson (1996)? lb. Will the 20 items from the 3-5 smdent feedback instrument factor into subscales as identified by Dietz (1996) and Danielson (1996)? Ic. Will the 20 items from the 6-8 smdent feedback instrument factor into subscales as identified by Dietz (1996) and Danielson (1996)? Id. Will the 20 items from the 9-12 smdent feedback instrument factor into subscales as identified by Dietz (1996) and Danielson (1996)? 2a. Will factor subscales from the K-2 smdent feedback instrument be statistically reliable? 5 2b. Will factor subscales from the 3-5 stodent feedback instrument be sutistically reliable? 2c. Will factor subscales from the 6-8 smdent feedback instrument be statistically reliable? 2d. Will factor subscales from the 9-12 smdent feedback instrument be statistically reliable? 3a. Will there be an association between items from the K-2 smdent feedback instrument with smdent achievement in reading, language arts, and math? 3b. Will there be an association between items from the 3-5 smdent feedback instrument with smdent achievement in reading, language arts, and math? 3c. Will there be an association between items from the 6-8 smdent feedback instrument with smdent achievement in reading, language arts, and math? 3d. Will there be an association between items from the 9-12 smdent feedback instrument with smdent achievement in reading, language arts, and math? 4a. Will the modified and/or new items from the K-2 instrument be statistically reliable and discriminating (ability to sort)? 4b. WiU the modified and/or new items from the 3-5 instrument be sutistically reliable and discriminating (ability to sort)? 4c. Will ...