Let R be a compact Riemann surface of finite genus g > 0 and let Σ be the subsurface obtained by removing n ≥ 1 simply connected regions Ω + 1 ,. .. , Ω + n from R with non-overlapping closures. Fix a biholomorphism f k from the unit disc onto Ω + k for each k and let f = (f 1 ,. .. , f n). We assign a Faber and a Grunsky operator to R and f when all the boundary curves of Σ are quasicircles in R. We show that the Faber operator is a bounded isomorphism and the norm of the Grunsky operator is strictly less than one for this choice of boundary curves. A characterization of the pull-back of the holomorphic Dirichlet space of Σ in terms of the graph of the Grunsky operator is provided.