Intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) are protein sequences lacking fixed or ordered three-dimensional structures. Many IDRs are endowed with important molecular functions such as physical interactions, posttranslational modifications or solubility enhancement. We reveal that several biologically important IDRs can act as N-terminal fusion carriers to promote target protein folding or protein quality control, thereby enhancing protein expression. This nanny function has a reasonably strong correlation with high S/T/Q/N amino acid content in IDRs and it is tunable (e.g., via phosphorylation) to regulate protein homeostasis. We propose a hypothesis that “N-terminal intrinsic disorder facilitates abundance” (NIDFA) to explain how some yeast proteins use their N-terminal IDRs (N-IDRs) to generate high levels of protein product. These N-IDRs are versatile toolkits for functional divergence in signaling and evolution.SignificanceDisorder within an otherwise well-structured protein is mostly found in intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs). IDRs can provide many advantages to proteins, including: (1) mediating protein-protein or protein-peptide interactions by adopting different conformations; (2) facilitating protein regulation via diverse posttranslational modifications; and (3) regulating the half-lives of proteins that have been targeted for proteasomal degradation. Here, we report that several biologically important IDRs in S. cerevisiae can act as N-terminal fusion carriers to promote target protein folding or protein quality control, thereby enhancing protein expression. We demonstrate by genetic and bioinformatic analyses that this nanny function is well correlated with high content of serine, threonine, glutamine and asparagine in IDRs and is tunable (e.g., via phosphorylation) to regulate protein homeostasis.