The dependence of in vivo photophosphorylation on Hght intensity was studied in the unicellular green alga Scenedesmus obtusiusculus. By selective use of the inhibitor DCMU, phosphorylation in (I) the complete system, (II) the pseudocyclic system alone, and (HI) the true cyclic system alone, were followed. When the total binding of phosphate was studied, all reaction types became light saturated in about the same manner. The effect of DCMU on the level of ATP varied according to light intensity. As for the specific systems of photophosphorylation, the following ATP data were found: (I) In the complete system the level of ATP decreases with light intensity. (II) Under pseudocyclic conditions light first increases and then decreases the ATP level. Under the atmospheric conditions used (i.e. CO^-free nitrogen) this indicates a regulation between photopbosphorylation and glycolysis, for which possible explanations are discussed. (ID) In the true cyclic conditions light has little effect on the ATP level. The possibility is indicated that there is a structural difference between the non-cyclic (site 1) and the pseudocyclic (site 2) sites of photophosphorylation on tbe one hand and the true cyclic site (3) on the other.