The replication protein NS1 is essential for genome replication and protein production in parvoviral infection. Many of its functions, including recognition and site-specific nicking of the viral genome, helicase activity, and transactivation of the viral capsid promoter, are dependent on ATP. An ATP-binding pocket resides in the middle of the modular NS1 protein in a superfamily 3 helicase domain. Here we have identified key ATP-binding amino acid residues in canine parvovirus (CPV) NS1 protein and mutated amino acids from the conserved A motif (K406), B motif (E444 and E445), and positively charged region (R508 and R510). All mutations prevented the formation of infectious viruses. When provided in trans, all except the R508A mutation reduced infectivity in a dominant-negative manner, possibly by hindering genome replication. These results suggest that the conserved R510 residue, but not R508, is the arginine finger sensory element of CPV NS1. Moreover, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), complemented by computer simulations, was used to assess the binding properties of mutated fluorescent fusion proteins. These experiments identified ATP-dependent and -independent binding modes for NS1 in living cells. Only the K406M mutant had a single binding site, which was concluded to indicate ATP-independent binding. Furthermore, our data suggest that DNA binding of NS1 is dependent on its ability to both bind and hydrolyze ATP.Canine parvovirus (CPV), an autonomous parvovirus, has two transcriptional units in its ϳ5.3-kb single-stranded DNA genome (51). The right-side unit produces VP1 and VP2 proteins, from which the ϳ26-nm icosahedral capsid is formed (70). The nonstructural proteins NS1 and NS2 are expressed from the left-side transcriptional unit. NS1 is a 76.7-kDa multifunctional nuclear phosphoprotein and is the only essential nonstructural protein in CPV (66). Many of its functions are necessary for parvoviral replication. NS1 initiates genomic replication by binding site specifically to the viral right-hand origin, together with endogenous high-mobility-group proteins (18), and to the left-hand origin, along with glucocorticoid modulatory element-binding proteins (11). Recognition at both origins leads to strand-and site-specific nicking of viral DNA (12, 45). These processes require ATP for tight binding and subsequent nicking (12,13,18). NS1 remains covalently linked to the 5Ј end of nicked DNA, and the remaining 3Ј-hydroxyl group can be used for synthesis of the nascent strand (17, 45). Parvoviral replication is most likely mediated by polymerase ␦, in a process that depends on the sliding clamp protein proliferating cell nuclear antigen, the single strandbinding protein replication protein A, and NS1 (15). In this process, NS1 is needed as an ATP-powered helicase to resolve terminal hairpin structures of the viral genome (68). Transcription from a viral capsid promoter, P38, is also enhanced by the NS1 protein, in an ATP-dependent manner (10, 41, 52). In addition to these functions, NS1 is re...