R plasmid R772 was isolated from a strain of Proteus mirabilis and is a self-transmissible P-1 incompatibility group plasmid having a molecular weight of about 27 x lo6. It renders bacterial hosts resistant to kanamycin. Phage PR772 was isolated as a phage dependent on the presence of R772 in bacterial hosts. It is hexagonal-shaped with a diameter of 53 nm, has a thick inner membrane and no tail. Vaguely defined appendages are sometimes apparent at some vertices and the phage possesses double-stranded DNA. The DNA has a guanine plus cytosine molar content of 48':d. The phage is sensitive to chloroform and has a buoyant density of 1.26 g ~m -~. These observations suggested that the inner membrane of the phage could contain lipid. Phage PR772 differs in morphology from the doublestranded DNA plasmid-specific phages PR4 and PRRl which adsorb to tips and sides, respectively, of sex pili coded for by P-1 incompatibility group plasmids. Phage PR772 formed clear plaques which varied in diameter. Serologically, phages PR772 and PR4 are possibly related though very distantly, but the two phages have identical host ranges. Phage PR772 adsorbed by one of its apices to tips of sex pili coded for by plasmid R772 in Escherichia coli. It also formed plaques on Salmonella typhimurium, Proteus morganii and Providence strains harbouring this plasmid as well as strains of E. coli carrying plasmids of incompatibility groups N or W. The phage produced areas of partial clearing on lawns of P. mirabilis PM5006 harbouring plasmid R772, the P-1 incompatibility group plasmid RP4, the W group plasmid RSa or the N group plasmid N3, and on lawns of Providence strain P29 carrying plasmid RP4.