The study aims at investigating the relationship between teachers’ utilization of instructional materials and students’ attitudes towards learning science subjects in Rwandan secondary schools. The sample size comprised sixty-three science secondary school teachers in Muhanga district that were selected purposively to participate in the study. A descriptive research design was used and data were collected using an online designed survey using google form. Teachers Scale Questionnaire for the use of Instructional materials and students’ exhibited attitudes questionnaire each contained seven affirmative statements were used as the research tools. Participants’ responses were based on the five point Likert scale to disclose their perceptions in relation to the topic being investigated. The findings from Pearson’s Product Moment Correlations (r) indicated that constructs used were strongly correlated, moderately correlated, and few were weakly correlated. Use of illustrations, use of photographs and visual aids to demonstrate concepts enhance students’ remembering and retention of instructions therefore the variables exhibit strong correlations (r = .923; .803). Use of laboratory equipment and reagents during experimentation, use of models and drawings to illustrate concepts exhibited a moderate correlation with students’ classroom participation (r = .449; r = .785). Creativity and innovation and integration of audio-visual aids into lessons were strongly correlated (r = .947). Strong correlations were found between use of tech-tools during classroom practices (r = .871), use of a variety of instructional materials (r = .901) and creativity and innovation. Interestingly, use of printed materials, visual aids, and audio-visual aids lead to improved students’ classroom interaction, and was strongly correlated with teachers’ integration of audio-visual teaching and learning aids into lessons (r = .889). The findings of this study constitute the basis to validate the relationship between teachers’ use of instructional materials and students’ attitudes in the learning process. We therefore recommend teachers to maximize the use of variety of instructional materials during classroom practices.