Objectives: To examine multidisciplinary doctor's clinical practice, confident and difficulties to manage and care for dementia in remote area hospital.
Method:A structured self-completed questionnaire, purposive sampling method with 18 multi-specialist doctors from united mission hospital.Results: Key findings are dementia is a complex condition to diagnose and management that takes time to diagnose and current dementia assessment process is conflict between GPs and other professionals. As well as specialist did not consider that diagnosing dementia was benefited, nor current applied diagnostic methods are appropriate and they are skeptical about the advantages of dementia medications and methods which they have practice on primary care. Similarly, GPs detection is not final decision therefore better to make collaboration with others specialist professionals-neither confident to diagnose nor easy to get medicine in the local market.Likewise, neither social support nor day care and memory clinic services are available in the community. Lack of epidemiology knowledge, practice and experience, cost of dementia care, no governmental policy, no early diagnosis are additional barriers aspects to reach accurate diagnosis.
Conclusions:Still the diagnostic methodology and practice has not similar to screening dementia so it does not seem significantly benefit in screening. Rather early diagnosis, collaboration with multi specialist doctors, appropriate referral pathways, diagnostic guideline and refined MMSE tool is far better. It is not only issue of primary care doctors'-and not possible to detect the dementia without collaboration of multi experts group. The burden impact of dementia prevalence has been underestimated in developing countries.
DesignPurposive sampling method was used to achieve the objectives and it was conducted after the taking permission using self-completed question (English version) set with the specialist doctors in hospital. All these questions were both distributed and collected by the hospital director and it was collected after the information by the same director with in one months of the distributed date. There was not any bias to distribute the questions to the specialist. It was requested to complete questionnaire set according to their own current knowledge but not taking any support from out.These question set were distributed for those specialists only who were wishing to fill-up question-
Demographic Characteristics of SubjectsThis paper describes diagnosis practices, and among of them 6 were foreigner specialist from UK, Australia, Africa, USA, Germany and China, who were working in that hospital since long years ago.The proportion of female number is nearly 50%; that was equal with the male experts. We could not find the diagnostic and management experiences difference between the male and female respondents. More than eighty percent doctors were full timer and the diagnosis process handling by them in the out-patient's department. Neither there was Geriatric ...