In this paper, algebraic-geometric (AG) codes associated with the GGS maximal curve are investigated. The Weierstrass semigroup at all F q 2 -rational points of the curve is determined; the Feng-Rao designed minimum distance is computed for infinite families of such codes, as well as the automorphism group. As a result, some linear codes with better relative parameters with respect to one-point Hermitian codes are discovered. Classes of quantum and convolutional codes are provided relying on the constructed AG codes. support of G. Maximal curves over F q attain the Hasse-Weil upper bound for the number of F q -rational points with respect to their genus and for this reason they have been used in a number of works. Examples of such curves are the Hermitian curve, the GK curve [12], the GGS curve [10], the Suzuki curve [7], the Klein quartic when √ q ≡ 6 (mod 7) [33], together with their quotient curves. Maximal curves often have large automorphism groups which in many cases can be inherited by the code: this can bring good performances in encoding [25] and decoding [17]. Good bounds on the parameters of one-point codes, that is AG codes arising from divisors G of type nP for a point P of the curve, have been obtained by investigating the Weierstrass semigroup at P . These results have been later generalized to codes and semigroups at two or more points; see e.g. [4,5,20,21,27,30,31].AG codes from the Hermitian curve have been widely investigated; see [8,[22][23][24]37,39,40] and the references therein. Other constructions based on the Suzuki curve and the curve with equation y q + y = x q r +1 can be found in [32] and [36]. More recently, AG Codes from the GK curve have been constructed in [1,3,9].In the present work we investigate one-point AG codes from the F q 2n -maximal GGS curve, n ≥ 5 odd. The GGS curve has more short orbits under its automorphism group than other maximal curves, see [15], and hence more possible structures for the Weierstrass semigroups at one point. On the one hand this makes the investigation more complicated; on the other hand it gives more chances of finding one-point AG codes with good parameters. One achievement of this work is the determination of the Weierstrass semigroup at any F q 2 -rational point.We show that the one-point codes at the infinite point P ∞ inherit a large automorphism group from the GGS curve; for many of such codes, the full automorphism group is obtained. Moreover, for q = 2, we compute explicitly the Feng-Rao designed minimum distance, which improves the Goppa designed minimum distance. As an application, we provide families of codes with q = 2 whose relative Singleton defect goes to zero as n goes to infinity. We were not able to produce analogous results for an F q 2 -rational affine point P 0 , because of the more complicated structure of the Weierstrass semigroup. In a comparison between onepoint codes from P ∞ and one-point codes from P 0 , it turns out that the best codes come sometimes from P ∞ , other times from P 0 ; we give evidence of this fact with...