Abstract-Opitcal interferometry of an Silicon lattice period is an important link between macroscopic and microscopic lengths as well as between low-energy and high-energy spectroscopies. An evident discrepancy between two pre-1982 measurements has limited the effective application of these results. Very recent results, reported here in a preliminary way, appear to further understanding and removing this discrepancy.
I. BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATIONM EASURE M E NTS linking local networks of secondary standards occurring in different spectral regions are important throughout the entire electromagnetic spectrum. The story is particularly well known to this conference in the case of the microwave-to-optical connection where the realization of a frequency synthesis chain, together with the availability of narrow-line optical oscillators, has permitted effective unification of these two regions. The situation arising when one attempts to continue this progession to the X-and -y-ray regions is perhaps less widely known but presents also some serious challenges and offers, as well, interesting rewards for successfully overcoming the evident difficulties. Although there are procedures involving many relatively small steps through the UV -and X-ray region these are not capable of giving accurate results largely because of the absence of narrowband oscillators in the intermediate (X-ray) region. To some extent, perfect monocrystalline lattices offer an alternative to sharp lines, at least in the region between 0.1 and 1.0 nm, but these are not fully equivalent to narrowline oscillators even over the limited band in which they are available. Once one reaches the region of intense nuclear -y-rays (ca 100 ke V and above), sharp lines are again available but the problem of linking these to visible light is formidable.In recent years a practical procedure has emerged for covering the 18 octaves between red light and 400 ke V (the local standard lamp for -y-ray people). In the first step of this procedure, the lattice period of a perfect monocrystalline silicon slab is determined by simultaneous Xray and optical interferometry of a common baseline. A