We study the Diophantine problem, i.e. the decision problem of solving systems of equations, for some families of one-relator groups, and provide some background for why this problem is of interest. The method used is primarily the Reidemeister-Schreier method, together with general recent results by Dahmani & Guirardel and Ciobanu, Holt & Rees on the decidability of the Diophantine problem in general classes of groups. First, we give a sample of the methods of the article by proving that the one-relator group with defining relation a m b n = 1 is virtually a direct product of hyperbolic groups for all m, n ≥ 0, and thus conclude decidability of the Diophantine problem in such groups. As a corollary, we obtain that the Diophantine problem is decidable in any torus knot group. Second, we study the twogenerator, one-relator groups Gm,n with defining relation a commutator [a m , b n ] = 1, where m, n ≥ 1. In doing so, we define and study a natural class of groups (rabsags), related to right-angled Artin groups (raags). We reduce the Diophantine problem in the groups Gm,n to the Diophantine problem in groups which are virtually certain rabsags. As a corollary of our methods, we show that the submonoid membership problem is undecidable in the group G 2,2 with the single defining relation [a 2 , b 2 ] = 1. We use the recent classification by Gray & Howie of raag subgroups of one-relator groups to classify the raag subgroups of some rabsags, showing the potential usefulness of one-relator theory to this area. Finally, we define and study Newman groups NG(p, q), which are (p + 1)-generated one-relator groups generalising the solvable Baumslag-Solitar groups. We show that all such groups are hyperbolic, and thereby also conclude decidability of their Diophantine problem.