The article presents the experience of using the method of projects in aerobics classes at the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. One of the methods revealing the student's creative skills is the project method. This is a way to teach students to solve problems independently while preparing creative tasks, to work with information, to achieve a target result with its required presentation. The project method integrates search-exploratory and communication techniques in itself, contributes to the development of intrinsic motivation for learning, and constructive critical thinking of students. The main idea in organizing the educational process on the "Aerobics" specialization is to shift the focus from standardized exercises, to intensify the creative activity of students, to create an information environment to stimulate interest in classes. The teachers have developed and tested in practice the criteria for evaluating students' project activities. This study actualizes the use of the project method in the academic discipline "Physical Education" and is promising for the formation of educational and cognitive competencies, creating optimal conditions for self-realization, self-improvement, development of personal qualities necessary for future specialists, and also raises the importance of the subject to the level of other disciplines. 47 knowledge, practical skills in training sessions, develops communication skills, the ability to cooperate, promotes personal confidence of each participantThe organization of the educational process at the 1st and 2nd courses, focused on independent project activity of students, forms educational and cognitive competencies, provides the educational direction of the "aerobics" discipline, which is confirmed by the positive dynamics of stage-by-stage target results in practice in the first year, high assessment of the final presentations in all educational second year groups. The structure of the students' project activity at each design stage, the program of independent, creative works, information support of the project environment has been developed.The proposed algorithm for performing practical tasks takes into account the individual capabilities of each student, his level of physical fitness and functional status. The technology of their implementation is aimed at developing students' ability to analyze, select the necessary information, thus enhancing learning and cognitive activity, developing a sense of responsibility for the work done. 7.1. The introduction of the project method into the educational process on the specialization "Aerobics" increases the efficiency of training, creates optimal conditions for the implementation of acquired knowledge, practical skills in the training sessions, develops communication skills, the ability to work together, enhances the personal confidence of each participant, forms the competencies of students for personal and professional development.7.2. Target directions of the method of projects in training sessions, th...