Counter ionic migration rates of dilute Cs' and Sr2+ against sodium in a Namontmorillonite gel are measured using a radially perfused diffusion cell. Enhanced or surface diffusion for caesium is observed both at ambient and elevated temperature. To quantify these surface diffusivities the ion-exchange properties of the diffusing species are required. Thus, exchange isotherms for caesium against sodium on montmorillonite at 22 and 90°C are given for lo-', lo-', and M background NaCl concentrations. Caesium counterion surface diffusivities at 22 and 90°C are 2.2 x and 8.0 x cm2 s-', respectively. These values are found to be essentially independent of background ionic strength over the range to lo-' M NaCI. Experimental evidence of enhanced transport through Na-montmorillonite for the divalent cation Sr2+ is also confirmed with a surface diffusivity of 2 x cm2 s-' at 22°C and in lo-' M NaCl. D E F I N I T I O N O F S Y M B O L S =gel cross-sectional area, cm2 =tank concentration, M =initial tank concentration, M =total gel concentration, M =interstitial gel concentration, M =inlet concentration to the diffusion cell, M =outlet concentration from the diffusion cell, M =overall diffusion coefficient, (D,/r2) (1 +(I -E) KDJED,), cm2 s -l =effective diffusion coefficient, D / a , cm2 s-' =molecular diffusion coefficient, cm2 s-' =radially perfused cell overall mass transfer coefficient, cm s-' =dimensionless ion-exchange isotherm slope =absolute permeability, m2 =length of gel sample, cm =volumetric flowrate, cm3 s-' = Laplace space variable, s =time, s =time of experiment, s =fluid volume of external tank, cm3 =cell dead volume, cm3 =axial position inside gel, cm =dimensionless axial position in gel, x / L = sorption retardation coefficient, (1 + (1 -E)K/E) = 4~~a D A l V k~, =porosity =clay density, g cm-3 = tortuosity ' 53