“…[16] Examples that follow the Badger-Bauer rule have been reported in the literature. [17][18][19][20][21] In ar ecent report, our group demonstrated that for as eries of CÀH···X (X = O, N) hydrogen-bonded complexes of 3-fluoro-phenylacetylene and 2,6-difluorophenylacetylene the redshifts in the CÀHs tretchingf requency weren ot linearly correlated with the stabilization energies. [22] Analysis of the frequency shifts with the aid of symmetry-adaptedp erturbation theory (SAPT), which separates the total interaction energy into physically well-defined components, such as electrostatics, induction, dispersion, and exchange repulsion, suggested that the redshifts in the donors tretchingf requency are linearly proportional tot he electrostaticc omponent of the total stabilization energy.S imilar results were reported for the water complexes of various substituted phenolsi nvestigated by using matrixisolation spectroscopy.…”