conduction and/or optical properties play a critical role, like in microelectronics, [17] sensing, [18,19] biosensing. [20] The possibility of exploring nanoarchi tectures for MOx (such as 0D, 1D, 2D, 3D) structures and extended networks [21,22] ) with electronic features different from their bulk counterpart [23,24] enabled their exploitation in a variety of new fields, in which networking in 3D is critical for a series of physical/chemical processes like light absorption and confinement, [25] sur face reactivity, [18,26] charge exchange/col lection. [27,28] For this reason, the possibility of extending MOx geometry from standard thin films to 3D architectures (including nanowires, nanorods, nanowalls, nano networks, and hierarchical structures), induced a renaissance for these materials, which are considered good candidates for successful application in the real life.The synthesis of composite MOx archi tectures experienced a strong and fast development in the last 15 years, now being a mature branch of Science, able to offer a diversified series of morphologies, shapes, and crystal line assemblies. [22,29] Scheme 1 illustrates the most commonly produced 0D to 2D structures (nanoparticles (NPs), nanowires (NWs), nanotubes (NTs), nanorods (NRs), nanosheets (NSs)) reported in the literature as building blocks to fabricated hier archically assembled geometries and/or nano/microarrays. In their work, [30] Umar and Hahn offer a comprehensive summary of MOx nanostructures, covering the synthesis and application, from both an experimental and theoretical point of view. Chem ical and physical preparation routes are described, including vapor transport and condensation techniques, hydrothermal and electrochemical synthesis, vacuum and nonvacuumbased techniques.While in the past focus was given on the development of new architectures and shapes through a series of physical and chemical routes, [21,22,29,31] now the research is much more focused on the investigation of the functional properties these new structures can offer, such functionalities being tailored for specific enduser applications.The research of new materials for renewable energy sources is one of the fields most benefitting of the outstanding proper ties of MOx. MOx find application in, for instance, solar cells, [32] electrochemical water splitting (WS), photoelectrochemical WS, photocatalysis. [33] In most of the cases, MOx are chosen for the possibility of having 3D networks with maximized specific sur face area, tunable bandgap allowing light absorption in a broad Metal oxide (MOx) semiconducting nanostructures hold the potential for playing a critical role in the development of a new platform for renewable energies, including energy conversion and storage through photovoltaic effect, solar fuels, and water splitting. Earth-abundant MOx nanostructures can be prepared through simple and scalable routes and integrated in operating devices, which enable exploitation of their outstanding optical, electronic, and catalytic properties. In this review, the ...