ABSTRACTing code and those of an LS (4,8,8) [3] code. Li [2,5] proposed LAS CDMA exhibits a significantly better performance than the employment of the so-called LAS codes, which exhibit zero that of classic random code based DS-CDMA, when operating auto-correlation and cross-correlation in a limited-offset range of in a quasi-synchronous scenario. Classic frequency-domain [-l, t]-chips. In [6,7] the authors of this contribution investigated raised cosine Nyquist filtering is known to show the best possible performance, but its complexity may be excessive in high-150-LAS code chip-rate systems. Hence in these systems often low-complexity . .Traditional spreading code time-domain waveform shaping is considered. Motivated by this fact, the achievable performance of LAS-CDMA is investigated in conjunction with three different time-limited chip-