In this study, we examined the topography of projections from facial afferents to the trigeminal brainstem nuclear complex (TBNC) in naked mole-rats using the neuronal tracer CTB-HRP. Tracer injections were made in a ventral to dorsal sequence that included the tooth pulp and dental ligament, ventral buccal pad, vibrissae, and the forehead. Labeled terminals were identified throughout the rostrocaudal extent of the TBNC, including the principal nucleus (Pr5), pars oralis (Sp5O), pars interpolaris (Sp5I), and pars caudalis (Sp5C) of the spinal trigeminal nucleus. Injections that labeled afferents from the tooth pulp and dental ligament resulted in heavy transport to dorsomedial portions of the TBNC, whereas injections made into progressively more dorsal regions of the face resulted in labeled terminals progressively more ventral and lateral in the nuclei. Injections that included dental afferents also labeled the mesencephalic nucleus of V, whereas injections into the skin of the face labeled cell bodies in the facial nucleus, and in most cases the motor nucleus of 5. Dental afferents in more rostral portions of the TBNC were coextensive with a cytochrome oxidase-dense region visible in alternate sections processed for chemoarchitecture. Anat Rec, 291:988-998, 2008. 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Key words: dental; teeth; somatosensory; tooth pulp; pain Abbreviations used: I/II = spinal cord layer 1/2; 4V = fourth ventricle; 7 = facial motor nucleus; 7n = facial nerve; 8n = vestibular root of cranial nerve 8; 10 = dorsal motor nucleus of vagus; 12 = hypoglossal nucleus; Acs5 = accessory motor trigeminal nucleus; Acs7 = accessory facial nucleus; Amb = ambiguus nucleus; CGPn = central gray pons; Cu = cuneate nucleus; DC or DCN = dorsal cochlear nucleus; DM = dorsomedial; DTgC = dorsal tegmental nucleus, central; DTgP = dorsal tegmental nucleus, pericentral; ECu = external cuneate nucleus; g7 = genu of the facial nerve; Ge5 = gelat layer caudal sp5 nuc; Gr = gracile nucleus; icp = inferior cerebellar peduncle; io = inferior olive; LC = locus coeruleus; LPBC = lateral parabracheal nucleus, central; LRt = lateral reticular nucleus; LSO = lateral superior olive; LVe = lateral vestibular nucleus; mcp = middle cerebellar peduncle; Me5 = mesencephalic 5 nucleus; me5 = mesencephalic 5 tract; mlf = medial longitudinal fasciculus; Mo5 = motor trigeminal nucleus; MPB = medial parabrachial nucleus; MVe = medial vestibular nucleus; MVeMC = medial vestibular nucleus, magnocellular; MVePC = medial vestibular nucleus, parvocellular; MVPO = medioventral periolivary nucleus; PCRta = parvicellular reticular nucleus, alpha; PDTg = posterodorsal tegmental nucleus; Pr = prepositus nucleus; Pr5 = principal trigeminal nucleus; Pr5DM = dorsomedial subnucleus of Pr5; Pr5VL = ventrolateral subnucleus of Pr5; py = pyramidal tract; pyx = pyramidal decussation; RtTg = reticulotegmental nucleus of the pons; s5 = sensory root of trigeminal nerve; scp = superior cerebellar peduncle; SGe = supragenual nucleus; SO = superior olive; Sol = solitary n...