Introduction: Uptake of antenatal care improves maternal and child health, which has been found toincrease with improved quality, antenatal care thereby reducing the number of complications with maternaland child health. Antenatal care (ANC) provides an opportunity for midwives to screen, perform routineexaminations, counsel, and help pregnant women have a successful pregnancy and delivery. This studyassessed the quality of services provided by midwives during ANC in selected health facilities in Osun State,Nigeria.Methods: This study used a descriptive research design and applied the Donabedian model of qualityof care. Sample size was determined using the Cochran formula. A multiple stage sampling method wasused to select 420 pregnant women from 22 primary, 4 secondary, and 1 tertiary health facilities in Osunstate. Data were collected with a semistructured questionnaire administered over a period of 12 weeks. Dataanalysis was done using Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) version 23.Results: The study found that 61.2% of the pregnant women were between the ages of 21 to 30 years,and 63.6% had less than 4 antenatal contacts. Services rendered by the midwives showed that all thecomponents of ANC are in place. The quality of ANC was rated adequate by 64.8% of the respondents dueto poor process and structure of care that affect the productivity of the midwives.Discussion/Conclusion: This study concluded that the quality of ANC was adequate, but there was lackof standard guidelines and equipment.
RÉSUMÉcun bénéficie d’une couverture sanitaire efficace. Il est obligatoire d’instaurer une politique solide quimette en évidence le rôle des sages-femmes dans les pays dont les taux de morbidité et de mortalitématernelles et périnatales sont élevés. Lors de la planification des ressources humaines, les besoins actuelset futurs doivent tenir compte non seulement de la disponibilité des soins, mais aussi de leur accessibilité,de leur acceptabilité et de leur qualité.