ROBIY A. COX and KEITH YATES. Can. J. Chem. 57,2944Chem. 57, (1979 Kinetic equations, applicable to A-1, A-S,2, and A-2 reactions in concentrated aqueous acids, are derived. The variation in reaction rate with varying acid concentration is treated in terms of the "excess acidity" of the medium (X-function), rather than in terms of Hammetttype acidity functions or the water activity. The parameters obtained are the medium-independent rate constant k,, in the aqueous standard state, as an intercept, and a slope parameter 1~1 ' ; hydration parameters (r-values) are also obtained, for A-2 reactions. The equations derived are shown to apply to A-1 acetal hydrolyses, A-SE2 electrophilic aromatic substitutions, and mixed A-21A-I ester hydrolyses. In a general discussion of available methods for analyzing rate data in these media, it is shown that the X-function method encompasses most, if not all, of the others, and that classical acidity functions are no longer necessary. Dans une discussion genirale sur l'ensemble des methodes disponibles d'analyse de donnees de vitesse en milieu acide on a montre que la methode de la fonction de X englobe la plupart si ce n'est pas toutes les autres methodes, et que les fonctions classiques d'acidite ne sont plus nkcessaires.[Traduit par le journal]