IntroductionSince the first report of recombination in the streptomyces by Sermonti and Spada-Sermonti (1955), numerous suggestions and criticisms have been offered on the application of genetics to problems in industrial microbiology. Both suggestions and criticisms have been valid in many cases; on the other hand, some have been based on observations made on one o r two streptomyces species and by investigators not always too familiar with problems in industrial microbiology.Admittedly, to date, the applications of genetics to antibiotic production have not been many and the results obtained not overly encouraging. This is particularly evident when the results from programs of induced mutation and selection a r e examined, and it readily becomes apparent that the latter approach is more direct, practical and, a s a rule, successful.With this in mind perhaps, the industrial microbiologist has not placed his greatest effort in applying genetics to his more pressing problems. While frequently an important question, yield improvement is not the only one facing the industrial microbiologist, particularly when the discovery of new useful antibiotic entities is becoming more and more difficult.Other problems, such a s the elimination of unwanted antibiotics when mixtures a r e produced or the alteration of fermentation characteristics in order to modify or eliminate a product, have also been frequently solved by mutation and physiological studies. No attempts appear to have been made a s yet to solve some of these problems by a genetic approach.
MethodsPerhaps a brief evaluation of some of the requirements for recombination will make more apparent some of the reasons why genetics has not been applied routinely, or at least more frequently, to industrial microbiological problems. In order to detect whether recombination has occurred, suitably marked strains must be obtained. The markers generally employed a r e nutritional; while this is usually not considered too difficult a matter, it does at times present specialproblems. suitable mutants in this speciesand reporteda number of arginine-dependent auxotrophs. Similarly, in our laboratory, 388 argineless mutants of S . aureofaciens were isolated and only four others with different requirements. The problem in this case was also further aggravated by the almost complete lack of antibiotic-producing ability by these arginine-requiring mutants. While this lack of activity may have some advantage in specific applications, it is disconcerting, to say the least, for the investigator who is trying to improve yields to have to start from a zero level of activity.Usually, however, mutants with a single requirement a r e obtained with relative ease as a r e doubly auxotrophic mutants without hampering the viability of the culture. At the same time, the antibiotic-producing ability of the mutant may or may not be decreased with each nutritional impairment.While time consuming, these a r e still not major problems. The final test comes when a series of auxotrophic mutants is mated...