Experimental studies using20‐kVA superconducting generators (SCG) have been performed in an attempt to understand some of the characteristics of SCG in power systems. It is necessary to investigate the characteristics for the parallel operations of both an SCG and a conventional generator (CG) when an SCG is installed in a present power station. Some of the results of the authors' studies on parallel running of the 20‐kVA SCG and the 20‐kVA CG are described in this paper. In the experimental system, the SCG is connected to a regional power system (infinite bus) through reactors (artificial transmission lines) and the CG is connected to the terminal of the SCG. Using experiments and computer simulations, the transient characteristics at three‐phase short‐circuit faults are investigated: 1) when the CG is not disconnected; and 2) when the CG is disconnected after reclosing the line with the fault cleared. Two kinds of stable limit curves are obtained for output power at three‐phase short‐circuit fault for the aforementioned two cases.