“…etruscus ap peared in Eur asia ~2.2-2.0 Ma and is regarded as a typ i cal Early Pleis to cene fau nal el e ment and rep resen ta tive of a new ur sine evo lu tion ary lin eage of Asi atic or i gin in Eu rope (Ta ble 3; Rustioni and Mazza, 1993a, b;Wag ner, 2010). Re mains of this bear have been found at many lo cal i ties across Eur asia dated be tween 1.8-1.3 Ma, such as Saint-Vallier (Viret, 1954;Argant, 2004), Puebla de Valverde (Kurtén and Crusafon-Pairó, 1977) and Dmanisi (Medin et al, 2019). In the evo lu tion ary his tory of this spe cies, four sub species were de scribed: (1) U. e. saintvallierensis Baryshnikov, 2007 (2.2-2.0 Ma, found in Saint-Vallier and La Puebla de Valverde), char ac terized by rel a tively small teeth, M2 with a nar row talon, m1 with a bi cus pid metaconid, and m2 with a short talonid; (2) U. e. etruscus Cuvier, 1823 (1.8-1.3 Ma, found in Olivola and Pietrafita), dis tin guished by smaller an te rior pre molars and pos te rior mo lars larger than those in U. e. saintvallierensis, M2 with a com par a tively large talon, m1 with a bicus pid metaconid, and m2 with a long talonid; (3) U. e. ve rescagini Sharapov, 1986 (2.0-1.7 Ma, found in Kuruksai), charac terized by the pres ence of large teeth, com par a tively broad M1 and M2, m1 with a monocuspid or bi cus pid metaconid, and m2 with a mod er ately long talonid; and (4) U. e. vekuai Baryshnikov, 2007 (1.9-1.7 Ma, Dmanisi) with teeth larger than in other sub spe cies, with par tic u larly en larged M2, and m1 with a bi cus pid metaconid (Baryshnikov, 2007;Medin et al, 2019).…”