Addiction and drug abuse are pervasive in society, and can result in illness, legal and financial trouble, and even death for dependent users. Licit substances, including alcohol, are widely available, easily obtainable, and relatively inexpensive. More than 75% of Americans have used alcohol at least once in their lifetime, and more than half of adults are current drinkers. Unlike most other drugs, alcohol may be health-promoting in low to moderate doses. vi Acknowledgements When I was in elementary school, I was accepted into the East Brunswick School District's Talented and Gifted (TAG) program, where the students were taken out of the normal classroom several times a week for an hour or two and allowed to work on special projects, learn advanced material, and interact with peers at the same scholastic level. As my mother loves to tell and retell, I was extremely distressed by the fact that I was missing my fifth grade science class to attend TAG classes. I begged her to let me quit and she did. My teachers were upset, my TAG teacher was upset, and the superintendent of schools was upset. Didn't I know I was being afforded an exceptional opportunity to develop and hone special academic skills? In my 10-year old mind, all I knew was that I always missed science class; I did not want to miss that class anymore! To this day, I am still the only student in East Brunswick to have dropped out of the TAG program (though I returned to the class the following year, when it was a separate class that did not overlap with other classes). At that time, my mother knew that science was the subject for me, and that I would succeed in science in the future. I believe that that experience was the first step in the many steps that brought me to where I am today. The last five years have been ruthless and enduring, but I am grateful for the many people who have helped me, guided me, supported me, pushed me, laughed with me, cried with me, and in some cases, carried me. First, I would like to thank the outstanding Uniformed Services University support staff in the Graduate Education Office and Department of Laboratory Animal Medicine, as vii well as the faculty (especially Drs. Zygmunt Galdzicki and Denes Agoston for providing me with funding in the last year), staff and students of the Neuroscience Program and Department of Medical and Clinical Psychology. I also thank the members of my doctoral dissertation committee (Drs. Greg Mueller, Maria Braga, Andrew Waters, and Lei Zhang) for their guidance throughout the many steps involved in the development and completion of my doctoral research. Through my various lab rotations and collaborations with different faculty members in the Neuroscience Program, I have learned many techniques and skills that have helped me to become a more well-rounded neuroscientist, but I am especially grateful to Dr. David Jacobowitz. It was an honor and a privilege to work with such a renowned neuroanatomist and neuropharmacologist. He was always extremely patient when teaching me new techniques, but nev...