Korhonen, H. T., Niemelä, P. and Jauhiainen, L. 2001. Effect of space and floor material on the behaviour of farmed blue foxes. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 81: [189][190][191][192][193][194][195][196][197]. Effects of space and floor material on the behaviour of blue foxes were evaluated in the following groups: (1) small wire-mesh cages (50 cm long × 105 wide cm × 70 cm high; W50); (2) medium wire-mesh cages (120 cm long × 105 cm wide × 70 cm high; W120); (3) wire-mesh floored pens (5 m long × 3m wide × 1.8 m high:W500); and (4) earthen floored pens (5 m long × 3 m wide × 1.8 m high; E500). Activity and locomotion were lowest in W50 foxes and tended to increase with increasing cage size. Floor material had only a slight effect on activity and stereotypies. Locomotion was higher in E500 than in W500 foxes. Locomotor stereotypy increased with increasing cage size, and was higher in W500 than in E500 foxes. Significant periodic changes were found in several behavioural variables. Activity was concentrated most and least frequently between 8 and 16 h and 0 and 8 h, respectively. The same tendency was found for sitting, standing, locomotion and activity. Digging was noted only in E500 foxes, averaging 15 min/24 h, and being most common between 16 and 24 h.