Medication errors are a prevalent, hazardous, and costly problem in healthcare, which could be prevented by utilizing interoperable medication software.
This study aimed to assess medication data across multiple systems in a large university hospital to create a minimal standardized database for generating interoperable prototype order messages.
The analysis involved various datasets encompassing 7,964 drugs. Specific data elements were selected and supplemented with information from the most extensive German drug database and European Standard Drug Terms to enhance medication identification accuracy.
Limited interoperability was observed due to fragmented local IT infrastructure and medication data standardization issues. A minimal standardized dataset was developed by merging information from multiple sources, which complied with the Health Level 7 Fast Health Interoperability Resources (HL7® FHIR®) standard for generating prototype medication order messages.
Our approach addresses the international challenge of medication data standardization and interoperability based on the FHIR standard for processes like the digital transfer of discharge medication prescriptions from intensive care units to general wards to avoid medication errors and increase patient safety.