Detritus dynamics in Big Hurricane Branch, a second-order stream at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory in the southern Appalachian Mountains, were simulated with a computer model, using data from a variety of Coweeta stream studies. The model was used to evaluate the role of macroinvertebrates in the stream. Macroinvertebrates accounted for only a small portion of the respiration of detritus; their major role was conversion of benthic detritus into transported detritus. Macroinvertebrates were responsible for 27% of annual particulate organic matter (POM) transport, though when they were removed there was only a 10% reduction in POM transport because of a compensatory increase in storm transport. The contribution of macroinvertebrates to POM transport during nonstorm periods was much more significant, as high as 83% in late summer.Based on an annual budget, macroinvertebrates decrease the efficiency of detritus processing in low-order streams, because they increase transport loss. On a longer time scale, however, macroinvertebrates prevent accumulation of large amounts of detritus in the stream and major losses during infrequent large storms. By stabilizing long-term detritus export dynamics, they provide an important link between low-order and higher-order streams.