IntroductionThe successful treatm ent of filariasis, a disease of many tropical and subtropical areas, is jeop ardized, due to lack of suitable chemotherapeutic agents capable of eliminating both microfilariae and adult worms with least toxicity to the host (Agarwal et al., 1993). Benzimidazole class of com pound possessing high order of activity against in testinal and to the extent against tissue dwelling helminths (Sharma and Abuzar, 1983) have sev eral set backs (Townsend and Wise, 1990) and thus there is need for search for new structural proto types having macrofilaricidal property.In our earlier studies, substituted 9H-pyrido-[3,4-b]indoles (ß-carbolines) (Agarwal et al., 1989, 1990a, 1990b; Kumar et al., 1990) exhibited prom ising anthelmintic activity against intestinal hel minths. Therefore, it is proposed to explore this class of compounds for filarial chemotherapy. Accordingly, 5/6/7/8-mono-or disubstituted 1 H/ l-phenyl-9H-pyrido [3,4-b]indoles (I) were synthe sized and evaluated for antifilarial activity against L itom osoides carinii and Acanthocheilonem a vitae in rodents.
Materials and Methods
SynthesisThe various 5/6/7/8-mono-or disubstituted 1 H/ l-phenyl-9H-pyrido[3,4-b]indoles (I , Table I)
Parasites and hostsAll the compounds were evaluated against L. carinii in cotton rats (Sigm odon hispidus) and A. viteae in M astom ys natalensis. As the com pounds were insoluble in water fine suspensions of each one of them was m ade in presence of 1 % Tween 80 (Katiyar et al., 1984). Two to three ani mals were used for each dose level study and at least two replicates were used for confirmation of activity.
Evaluation o f antifilarial activity
Litom osoides cariniiThe infection was transm itted to 6 weeks old male cotton rats (Sigm odon hispidus) through the vector Liponyssus bacoti by the literature method (Hawking and Sewell, 1948). Animals showing 250 or more microfilariae per 5 mm3 of blood were chosen for screening. Blood samples of exper imental and control animals were examined for microfilariae before starting the treatm ent and thereafter at weekly interval till day 42. All the compounds were given 30 mg/kg intraperitoneally for 5 consecutive days. On day 42, all the treated and control animals were sacrified and the con dition of adult male and female worms observed. The micro-and macrofilaricidal action were as sessed by literature m ethod (Lämmler et al., 1971;Misra et al., 1981).