Abstract. We consider a large class of convex circular domains in M m 1 ,n 1 (C) × . . . × M m d ,n d (C) which contains the oval domains and minimal balls. We compute their Bergman and Szegő kernels. Our approach relies on the analysis of some proper holomorphic liftings of our domains to some suitable manifolds.1. Introduction. The use of the Bergman projection plays an important role in the study of proper holomorphic mappings. See Bell [B] or Ligocka [L]. In this paper we shall conversely make use of proper holomorphic mappings to compute Bergman and Szegő kernels. We consider a large class of circular domains in . We compute their Bergman and Szegő kernels. Our method consists in associating to a domain in our class an appropriate proper holomorphic lifting in which good analysis can be developed. Then we use a suitable operator to deduce the Bergman and Szegő kernels of the domain from those of its proper holomorphic lifting.If p and q are two positive integers we denote by M p,q (C) the pq-dimensional complex vector space of all (p × q)-matrices with complex coefficients. If Z = (z jk ) 1≤j≤p;1≤k≤q is an element of M p,q (C), we set