Bernardi gave a formula for the Tutte polynomial T (x, y) of a graph, based on spanning trees and activities just like the original definition, but using a fixed ribbon structure to order the set of edges in a different way for each tree. The interior polynomial I is a generalization of T (x, 1) to hypergraphs. We supply a Bernardi-type description of I using a ribbon structure on the underlying bipartite graph G. Our formula works because it is determined by the Ehrhart polynomial of the root polytope of G in the same way as I is. To prove this we interpret the Bernardi process as a way of dissecting the root polytope into simplices, along with a shelling order. We also show that our generalized Bernardi process gives a common extension of bijections (and their inverses), constructed by Bernardi and further studied by Baker and Wang, between spanning trees and break divisors.