“…The assessor did not see the family and child, but examined the quality of the child-rearing environment based on 1) the clarifications in the BIC-Qs provided by the Western-Balkan interviewers, without knowing the Western-Balkan judgements of the child-rearing conditions (hereafter referred to as ‘blind BIC-Q’); 2) factual information of the case, for instance the family composition, the return procedure, the Albanian language level of the child, the length of stay in the host country and since the return, and the family’s economic situation after return; 3) the child’s views on the child-rearing situation after return as provided in the self-report version of the BIC-Q ( Best Interests of the Child − Self-report (BIC-S); Ten Brummelaar et al 2014, 2017); 4) the child’s responses to social and emotional development items in the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) (Goodman 1997); and 5) in 11 cases, pictures of the living environment of the family after their return. Similar to the Western-Balkan interviewers, the Western-European assessor provided clarifications for each child-rearing condition and explained the qualification of the rearing condition accordingly.…”