Summary. The dye 1-anilino-naphthalene-8-sulphonate (ANS) bound at 94\m=.\5\ m=+-\ 2\m=.\7 pmol per 106 spermatozoa (Kd = 1\m=.\83\ m=+-\0\m=.\13\m=x\ 10\m=-\5 m) and 7\m=.\30\ m=+-\ 0\m=.\17 pmol per mg seminal plasma protein (Kd = 2\m=.\19\ m=+-\0\m=.\06\m=x\10\m=-\5 m). Equilibration of excess ANS with a mixture of washed spermatozoa and seminal plasma resulted in a significant increase in fluorescence over that calculated by summation of the individual levels (P < 0\m=.\05). A less pronounced but significant increase was seen when an egg-yolk lipoprotein, previously shown to have cryoprotective properties, was similarly added to washed spermatozoa (P < 0\m=.\05).This increase in fluorescence was not reduced by washing spermatozoa\p=n-\lipoproteinmixtures, suggesting that an interaction between the lipoprotein and the cell membrane had occurred.