“…An un known defect of aerobic or anaerobic metab olism may also account for the symptoms [11]. The lactate anion may complex calcium at the surfaces of excitable membranes, pro ducing local hypocalcemia with symptoms of muscular irritability, tetany, and anxiety [14,28,29], Finally, many of the symptoms are similar to the pharmacological effects of in travenously administered epinephrine, sug gesting the adrenergic nervous system may be involved [3], Anxiety states resembling panic attacks occur during intravenous infusions of so dium lactate in 75-90% of patients with anx iety neurosis/panic disorder and 0-20% of nonpsychiatric control subjects [2,5,25,29], This finding is directly or indirectly related to three of the hypotheses of panic attack patho genesis -that is, lactate produces a metabolic alkalosis, is a product of the intermediary metabolism of carbohydrates, and can com plex free calcium as calcium lactate.…”