Chalcopyrite ores are usually processed by means of hydrometallurg ical or pyro metallurgical processes, but due to environmental aspects and the possibility of increased exp loitation of mixed and lower grade ores and relat ively small isolated deposits, there has been a worldwide upsurge of interest in the hydrometallurg ical processes of this ore as compared to pyrometallurgy. The different concentrates obtained through differential flotation in pyro metallu rgy are usually of poor quality with low metal recovery. This further makes pyrometallurgical processing of chalcopyrite very difficult and costly and rendered them difficult to commercialize. As a result, the metal value is preferab ly extracted directly fro m low grade ores through hydrometallurg ical process. A detailed review of chalcopyrite deposits, production and consumption, min ing, ore processing, steps involved in the pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical processing of copper as well as the dissolution kinetics and microbial studies of chalcopyrite ore were discussed.