Palavras-chave -florística, fitossociologia, diversidadeABSTRACT -(Floristic composition and structure of the tree community in a deciduous forest on a limestone outcrop in São Domingos, Goiás, Paranã river basin, Brazil). The Paranã river basin (States of Goiás and Tocantins, Brazil), with 5,940,382 ha, has many different plant physiognomies, including the deciduous forest on limestone outcrops which has not yet been studied in this region. In this paper we present the structure of the tree community of a deciduous forest on a limestone outcrop (13º 49'34'' S; 46º 41'55'' W) in São Domingos municipality, Goiás State, Brazil. Twenty-five plots of 20m × 20m (400m 2 ) were randomly placed on lines 100 m apart. Trees with dbh > 5cm were tagged, measured, and identified to species. In the phytosociological study, 588