DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-13138-1
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The Biology of a Marine Copepod

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Cited by 175 publications
(130 citation statements)
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“…Calanus helgolandicus is known to accumulate substantial lipid reserves in the form of wax esters (Lee et al 1971, 1972, Gatten et al 1979), but the extent to which these lipids and particularly the fatty acid moiety are incorporated, modified or unmodified into eggs is unclear. However, the eggs of Calanus pacificus (termed C. helgolandicus by Lee et al 1972) contain only low levels of wax esters, with triacylglycerols as the major neutral lipid (Lee et al 1972).…”
Section: Fecunditymentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Calanus helgolandicus is known to accumulate substantial lipid reserves in the form of wax esters (Lee et al 1971, 1972, Gatten et al 1979), but the extent to which these lipids and particularly the fatty acid moiety are incorporated, modified or unmodified into eggs is unclear. However, the eggs of Calanus pacificus (termed C. helgolandicus by Lee et al 1972) contain only low levels of wax esters, with triacylglycerols as the major neutral lipid (Lee et al 1972).…”
Section: Fecunditymentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Certainly the age of sperm may be an important factor determining its viability; this has been demonstrated in a study by Ianora & Poulet (1993) which established that female Temora stylifera required constant remating to produce viable eggs. It has previously been established that female Calanus helgolandicus are mated on a single occasion shortly after moulting from Stage V to adulthood (Marshall & Orr 1972). Thus, all the eggs produced during the lifetime of a female are fertilised by the initial batch of sperm and in marine fish at least, sperm viability is well documented as decreasing with age (Billard et al 1995).…”
Section: Viabilitymentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Untersucht wurde der statistische Zusammenhang zwischen dem Bestandszuwachs der Nauplien und dem der hauptbestandsbildenden Phytoplanktonarten Thalassiosira levanderi, Thalassiosira decipiens, Rhizosolenia delicatula, Nitzschia delicatissima, Gymnodinium sp., Plagiogramma brockrnanii, Phaeocystis pouchetii, Asterionella glacialis und Asterionella kariana. Bei einer Wassertemperatur von 16 °C bis 20 °C zur Hauptverbreitungszeit der Kopepoden betr~igt die Schlupfzeit der Kopepodennauplien 1 bis 2 Tage (Marshall & Orr, 1972); es wird daher davon ausgegangen, dal3 die Menge der beobachteten ersten Nauplienstadien direkt der Eiablagerate der Kopepoden proportional ist (Martens, 1980). Zur Bestimmung der Generationszeit der Kopepoden wurde die Korrelation (Spearmanns Rangkorrelation) zwischen dem Anstieg der Nauplienbest~inde und dem darauf folgenden Anstieg der Best~nde an Adulten berechnet.…”
Section: Statistische Berechnungenunclassified
“…Durch verschiedene Autoren ist beschrieben worden, dab eine Eiablage bei Kopepoden erst erfolgt, wenn optimale Lebensbedingungen ftir die Art vorliegen. Insbesondere Massenentwicklungen von Phytoplankton haben einen ausl6senden EinfluB auf die Reproduktion einer Population (Marshall, 1949;Marshall & Orr, 1972;Iwasaki et al, 1977). Dieses Ph~inomen ist auch hier zu beobachten (Tab.…”
Section: Einflub Der Nahrung Auf Die Reproduktionunclassified
“…The dominant zooplankton group in terms of abundance in these waters is copepods, and Calanus finmarchicus Gunnerus, 1770 is the main contributor to the zooplankton biomass (Wiborg 1955;Marshall & Orr 1972;Aksnes & Blindheim 1996;Hirche et al 2001). Calanus finmarchicus is fed upon by all the three major pelagic species, and constitute a major part of mackerel and herring diets (Dalpadado et al 2000;Gislason & Astthorsson 2002;Dommasnes et al 2004;Prokopchuk & Sentyabov 2006).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%