The following Bacillus subtilis phages: SP8*, SP82, @e, SPO1,2C and SP50, were studied and compared for morphological characteristics as well as for physico-chemical properties of their DNA. All the determinations were efiected under identical conditions for the six different phages. The aspect and variety of plaques formed by them with susceptible strain B. subtilis 168-2 (as indicator host), on Difco nutrient agar plates, are slightly different from phage to phage, but do not allow differenciation.As shown by electron microscopy measurements, the five phages SP8*, SP82, SPO1, @e, and 2C are morphologically identical and easily distinguishable from SP50, but not from each other.As for the physico-chemical properties of their DNA, the first five phages are clearly different from SP50 DNA which was taken as a reference: (a) their analytical base composition is consistently the same, all of them containing hydroxymethyluracil instead of thymine in their DNA, and the analyzed percentage guanine plus cytosine is 390/,, as compared to 41.6O/, for SP50 DNA which has no unusual bases; (b) sedimentation coefficients for all the DNA (including SP50 DNA) are about 51 S, a t a concentration of 20 p.g/ml ( $ 2 0 ,~) ; (c) the melting point in 0.15 M NaCI, 0.015M Na citrate is 77.5", without any significant variation among the first group (as compared to 87.3", for SPBO, which is approximately the same as the host Bacillus subtilis 168-2); (d) in a cesium chloride gradient, the buoyant densities of the native DNA of the first group are all 1.742 g/cm3. Since the complementary strands differ in average base composition, two bands of buoyant density 1.752 and 1.762 g/cm3 are obtained following denaturation; (e) all denatured DNA become associated with polyriboguanylic acid [poly(G)], which is preferentially bound to the heavy component, although a slight binding to the light component also occured.Preparative centrifugation in CsCl density gradients in the presence of poly G results in good separation of the two components; (f) the extent of homologous base sequence among the six phages has been determined by DNA/DNA hybridization : hybridization of 2C DNA, SPOl DNA and SP82 DNA with 2C DNA is experimentally identical and assumed to represent 100°/, homology. However for SP8 DNA/2C DNA and @e DNA/2C DNA, the percentage is lower, amounting t o 92O/, and 83O/,, respectively. With SP50 and B. subtilis DNA it is only 7O/,.On the whole, there are no apparent properties, peculiar to one of the 2C, SP8*, SP82, @e, and SPOl phages, allowing its differentiation from the others, whereas SP50 is morphologically distinct, particularly by the length of its tail. It also differs by diverse physical and biological properties. All the common characteristics possessed by the first group of phages, particularly the high extent of DNA/DNA hybridization among them, and the fact that the phages and their DNA are serologically related, demonstrate their close relationship.Parmi les bacteriophages de Bacillus subtilis, certains ont la particularit6 ...