( R e p le 25 avril/l8 septembre 1972)The cytoplasmic serum of Hevea brasiliewis latex contains two glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenases. These enzymes have been isolated and purified. One of them has an absolute specificity for NAD (EC; the other utilizes mainly NADP and reacts only slowly with NAD; it is similar to the non-phosphorylating enzyme discovered by Arnon (EC The NAD-dependent enzyme has a molecular weight which is analogous to that of the other species of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenases. Its optimum is around 8 and its K,-values for the substrate, NAD and Pi respectively are: 0.1 mM, 0.12 mM and 2.6 mM.The NADP-dependent enzyme is probably composed of 4 subunits and its molecular weight is estimated to be about 200000. Its optimum pH is around 8. 6 and it catalyses a reaction that is irreversible. Its K,-values for the substrate, NADP and NAD respectively are : 1.2 mM, 10 pM and 12 mM.Influence of some effectors like NADH, NADPH and adenosine phosphates on the enzymatic reaction has been studied. Only NADH has an influence. It inhibits competitively the reaction and the Ki value of the order 13 pM. It appears on the other hand, taking into account the influence of cysteine, that the NADP-dependent enzyme is more resistant to xodative agents than the NAD-dependent enzyme. NADP-dependent enzyme is also inhibited by Poda-, Mga+, Ca2+, 3-phosphoglycerate, glyceraldehyde iodoacetamide and citrate.L'Btude de la glycolyse dans le latex d'Hevea brasiliensis [I, 21 a montr6 l'existence, en presence de NAD, d'une activith glyc6rald6hyde-3-phosphate d6shydrog6nase relativement intense dans le serum cytoplasmique de ce milieu biologique. L'enzyme glycolytique responsable de cette reaction reversible est du type EC, selon la classification internationale [3] ; elle permet la phosphorylation et l'oxydation, en presence de NAD, du glycerald6hyde-3-phosphate en acide 1,3-phosphoglyc6rique.Arreguin et Salazar del Rio [4] ont Bgalement identifie cette glyc6rald6hyde-3-phosphate d6shydro-g6nase dans le latex d'Hevea brasiliensis.Toutefois, 1'6tude de la r6g6neration des dinucleotides de la nicotinamide, dans leur forme rbduite, problbme important en ce qui concerne le mbtaEnzymee.