Purpose Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is one of the most common causes of cyanotic congenital heart disease. The anesthetic management of parturients with uncorrected TOF is challenging and controversial, especially for Cesarean delivery (CD). We describe the use of noninvasive cardiac output (CO) monitoring to assist the management of CD for a woman with palliated TOF under general anesthesia. Clinical features A 34-yr-old woman presented for elective CD at 38 weeks gestation. Having been born with TOF, she underwent a modified Blalock-Taussig shunt at six years of age, followed nine years later by creation of an aortopulmonary connection. The patient's functional status was New York Heart Association class I despite evident central cyanosis. A CD was performed under general anesthesia. Fentanyl, etomidate, and succinylcholine were utilized for induction, and intrathecal morphine was administered for postoperative pain control. The baseline CO (7.2 LÁmin -1 ), blood pressure (156/74 mmHg), heart rate (74 beatsÁmin -1 ), and total peripheral resistance (1,059 dynesÁsec -1 Ácm -5 ) remained stable throughout the procedure. Maintenance anesthesia consisted of rocuronium, sevoflurane, and an oxygen/nitrous oxide mixture. Upon delivery, an infusion of oxytocin combined with ergometrine was administered. Hemodynamic parameters remained stable and no vasopressor was required. Conclusion Balanced general anesthesia and careful titration of uterotonic agents provided stable hemodynamic conditions during CD in a patient with a palliated TOF, as assessed by a continuous noninvasive CO monitor. Noninvasive CO monitoring may improve our understanding of the hemodynamic implications of various anesthetic techniques for CD in cardiac patients.
RésuméObjectif La te´tralogie de Fallot (TF) est l'une des causes les plus fre´quentes de cardiopathie conge´nitale cyanosante. La prise en charge anesthe´sique des parturientes ayant une TF non corrige´e est controverse´e et rele`ve du de´fi, en particulier en cas d'accouchement par ce´sarienne. Nous de´crivons l'utilisation d'un monitorage non invasif du de´bit cardiaque (DC) pour aider la prise en charge de la ce´sarienne chez une femme ayant une TF ope´re´e sous anesthe´sie ge´ne´rale. Caractéristiques cliniques Une femme aˆge´e de 34 ans se pre´sente pour une ce´sarienne programme´e à 38 semaines de grossesse. Elle est ne´e avec une TF et a subi une intervention modifie´e de Blalock-Taussig a`l'aˆge de six ans, puis neuf ans plus tard la cre´ation d'une connexion aorto-pulmonaire. Le statut fonctionnel de la patiente