A polymer is a substance or material consisting of very large molecules called macromolecules, composed of many repeating subunits. The bulky and normal polymers are graphs of aromatic organic compounds. The main idea of this article is to elaborate the expected results of Zagreb connection, sombor and reduced sombor indices in bulky and normal polymers. The generalized expected results with the help of probability technique for all the chains like polyonino, pentachain, polyphenyl, cyclooctane cyclodecane and so on different chains for Alkanes have been determined which are connected with and without any bond (edge). The Sombor topological index is named after the city of Sombor in Serbia, where it was introduced by a group of researchers in the field of chemoinformatics and mathematical chemistry. At the end, we have find the meta, ortho and para polymers to define the average values of Zagreb connection, Sombor and reduced Sombor indices.