Latin America is a part of that Global village where-according to Marc Augé-places, time, and space exist in abundance and where the presumed unique nature of the Western model clashes with the image of the Bother^. (Augé (2009); Salgues (2016), p. 114) Thus, while the formation of a multiethnic and multicultural society-one based on the principle of tolerance, in which diversity and homologation should coexist without conflict-is hoped for, the spread of such categories as ethnicity and minority underscores the dissimilarities of our time. Starting from such basic concepts as, for example, religion, culture, otherness, and identity, and with the analysis of two case studies-Our Lady of Guadalupe and Saint Martín de Porres-the aim is to raise a problem: does a Latin American cultural identity exist? And how can it be identified? Keywords History of religions . Anthropology . Latin america . Cultural identity . Religion . Globalization When speaking of a Latin American identity, it must be noted that, over time, a consciousness of identity has formed, planned by the shared events of the nations that underwent Spanish and Portuguese conquest. More precisely, a collective identity has been created, modelled along three centuries of Spanish/Portuguese domination, thanks to the language and religion adopted from the two countries and by virtue of unique cultural factors 1 : in this Int J Lat Am Relig (2017) 1:134-155