“…Therefore, we prevent CHEVIE from extracting automatically these square roots, which may unavoidably be inconsistent with our expectations. We give the example a 2 − ab + b 2 = 0: gap> H:=Hecke(ComplexReflectionGroup (8),[[Mvp("x")^2,Mvp("y")^2,Mvp("z")^2,Mvp("t")^2]]);; gap> T:=CharTable(H).irreducibles;; gap> t:=List(T,i->List(i,j->Value(j,["y", -E(12)^11*Mvp("x")])));; gap> t [5]=t [1]+t [2]; true A different choice of the square root y permutes the characters φ 15 and φ 16 . This permutation depends on a specialization of the roots of the parameters, not of the parameters themselves.…”