This article describes the use of narrative and drama therapies as creative therapeutic interventions to engage and assist vulnerable youth. Foster Care Chronicles was a collaboration between a state university social work program and a local department of social services in a child welfare unit. This 2-year exploratory project employed an innovative approach to work with foster care youth, all of whom were within 2 years of "aging out" of care. The project utilized narrative therapy and drama therapy in a group setting by building on youths' individual and collective strengths in writing, speaking, and acting. As these youth assessed their participation in this program, their reflections addressed developing aspects of self-image, self-healing, self-efficacy, and lessons learned.KEYWORDS foster care, drama therapy, narrative therapy, social work, creative arts, creativity in counseling For the first time since being placed in foster care I think I can go to college and make some future plans for my life. I am feeling both excited and nervous but mostly ready to move ahead with my plans. (18-year-old teen in foster care since age of 14 years)