use photofragment ion imaging and ab initio calculations
to determine the bond strength and photodissociation
dynamics of the nickel oxide (NiO+) and nickel sulfide
(NiS+) cations. NiO+ photodissociates broadly
from 20350 to 32000 cm–1, forming ground state products
Ni+(2D) + O(3P) below ∼29000
cm–1. Above this energy, Ni+(4F) + O(3P) products become accessible and dominate over
the ground state channel. In certain images, product spin–orbit
levels are resolved, and spin–orbit propensities are determined.
Image anisotropy and the results of MRCI calculations suggest NiO+ photodissociates via a 3 4Σ– ← X 4Σ– transition above
the Ni+(4F) threshold and via 3 4Σ–, 2 4Σ–, and/or 2 4Π and 3 4Π excited
states below the 4F threshold. The photodissociation spectrum
of NiS+ from 19900 to 23200 cm–1 is highly
structured, with ∼12 distinct vibronic peaks, each containing
underlying substructure. Above 21600 cm–1, the Ni+(2D5/2) + S(3P) and Ni+(2D3/2) + S(3P) product spin–orbit
channels compete, with a branching ratio of ∼2:1. At lower
energy, Ni+(2D5/2) is formed exclusively,
and S(3P2) and S(3P1)
spin–orbit channels are resolved. MRCI calculations predict
the ground state of NiS+ to be one of two nearly degenerate
states, the 1 4Σ– and 1 4Δ. Based on images and spectra, the ground state of NiS+ is assigned as 4Δ7/2, with the
1 4Σ3/2
– and 1 4Σ1/2
– states 81 ±
30 and 166 ± 50 cm–1 higher in energy, respectively.
The majority of the photodissociation spectrum is assigned to transitions
from the 1 4Δ state to two overlapping, predissociative
excited 4Δ states. Our D
0 measurements for NiO+ (D
0 = 244.6 ± 2.4 kJ/mol) and NiS+ (D
0 = 240.3 ± 1.4 kJ/mol) are more precise and closer
to each other than previously reported values. Finally, using a recent
measurement of D
0(NiS), we derive a more
precise value for IE (NiS): 8.80 ± 0.02 eV (849 ± 1.7 kJ/mol).